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Donate NOW to Help!



This is a letter to the General Public and all Sponsoring Companies. There is a new service coming to the United States. This service and the parent program are called the Mobile Salon Project. This program is created by the Shops & Salons NETWORK owned and operated by the Millionaire Owner Mr. Ronnie Mac. The program is collecting donations to create more Custom Mobile Salons Buses with locations all over the country to launch from.


The Mobile Salon Project has the sole purpose of providing services to the less fortunate and groups like the helpless and homeless. The Mobile Salon Project also is now servicing high-profile support groups like Veterans, the Police, Firemen, and EMS Teams just as a Thank You for the services they provide to all of us.


If you are a person or a company with a Heart to Help please Donate Here… If you want to see Real Change and actually be able to SEE YOUR MONEY AT WORK doing the thing that you donated your money for in the first place then Donate Here… If you are tired of giving and giving and not knowing what your money is doing or going for when you donate, then please Donate to the Mobile Salon Project where your money will be helping the most amount of people in the most Direct Way...

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